VA loans don’t require a down payment yet even so they are still some of the highest performing loan groups of all current mortgages today. This not only in spite of the fact there is no initial “skin in the game” as some lenders put it. This fee is an upfront fee and paid at the settlement table but is not paid for out of pocket but rather rolled into the loan amount. The upfront funding fee can vary but for most VA loans the fee is set at 2.15% of the loan amount and included in the final loan and not paid for out of pocket.
This fee can change based on the type of borrower as well as in the event of any down payment. VA loans with a down payment are more rare, however. Let’s look at some of the scenarios and see what the funding fee would look like. VA loans are available to veterans of the military, National Guard, and Armed Forces Reserves. They’re also available to active duty personnel with at least 181 days of accumulated service. Spouses of veterans who have died while serving or as a result of a service-related injury may also qualify.
For veterans and eligible active duty with no down payment, we mentioned the 2.15% fee. This is for someone using the VA loan for the first time. If the home is listed at $300,000, the funding fee is $6,450 and the final loan amount $306,450. The final loan amount is used to calculate monthly payments.
The VA loan program isn’t a one-time affair and can be used again to buy and finance another primary residence. The VA loan can be used again as long as the previous VA loan has been paid off, typically due to the sale of the property. There are what is referred to as “partial entitlements” when the original VA loan didn’t take up the entire entitlement amount but in today’s marketplace, this doesn’t happen very often.
When the VA loan is used for a second time and there is no down payment, the funding fee is higher at 3.3% of the sales price, or $9,900 on a $300,000 purchase for a final loan amount of $309,900.
Note, these fees are for purchase transactions. When refinancing, the funding fee drops considerably to 0.5% of the loan amount. This is for the VA streamline refinance where no cash is taken out during the transaction. If the refinances includes cash out, the fee is higher.
Veterans with a listed disability do not pay a funding fee at all. This status is listed on your Certificate of Eligibility. It’s also possible that a veteran who has applied for disability status and not yet certified as such, first-time users will pay the 2.15% fee. In this instance, where the disability award letter is received after the VA loan has already closed, the veteran can apply for a refund.
To help get your refund, contact the original lender who approved and funded your VA loan or if that’s not available contact your nearest Regional VA Loan Center for help. If you’re eligible for the refund, your lender will apply the refunded fee to reduce your loan balance by the proper amount. If you paid it in cash, which again is rare, you’ll get a cash refund.
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